Sunday, December 28, 2014

"The Shine" by Stephen King

"The Shine" by Stephen King

I would like to recommend you to read this book. When i read it i felt that it took me to a journey in the author's mind.
Travelled to a deserted landscape- following the Father's occupation- as an hotel manager. 
Then the mystery plot starts. The reader discovers that the hotel is hunted.
Gradually- all the members of the family became victims that were captured in the history of the place and the reader is followed through the breath taking plot into a parallel reality.
The reason i chose this book is that Stephan King is a master as far as creating atmosphere of fantasy- beyond any one can imagine and his writing gives perspective as well as entertainment.


  1. Shelly, I love Stephen King and fantasy in general. It's a shame that today no longer we can read many good (!) fantasy books. My favorite one is "The lord of the rings".

  2. As a teenager, I loved Stephen King and all things scary and gore. Since becoming a mother, my tastes in literature and movies have changed, and I find myself no longer able to read or watch anything scary. Maybe its just because I'm old.
    I do enjoy reading, as you do, because of the journey the writer takes us on.

  3. I must admit I haven't read the book but I've seen the film -actually it wasn't long time ago.Just one question: isn't it called "The Shining"?

    Your blog post prompted me to find out more about the book. So I looked it up and I found out that there was also a sequel a few years later with the same protagonist called Doctor Sleep.

  4. Shelly,
    First - I enjoyed your blog. I've never read Stephen King and it made me curious. Thank you for the recommendation. I'll probably read it soon.
