Last month I submitted my very first English seminar paper. I choose a
very interesting subject to write and learn about- "Teacher Burnout".
I started this paper last year in the middle of my third year , and I finished
it in December. At first I was concerned; I thought that there wouldn't be
enough material on it ,but to my surprise there was a LOT of material on this subject.
Apparently it’s a known worldwide problem. Many studies have been conducted on
this subject , its causes and its effects, and more important its solutions. Any
way I wanted to share with you my introduction, because I'm so proud of it. I recommend
all of you rocky teachers to read a little about it on-line. It's extremely important
for all of us who are just starting to be aware of. So here it is:
to one research 20-30% of teachers will leave the profession within their first
3 years. Another research found that 4 out of 10 teachers will leave before
reaching retirement age. The combination of many factors will result in nearly
50% of teachers leaving the profession before they reach their sixth year of
teaching. (Fisher, 2011), (Coulter & Abney, 2008).
Teachers, during their work, are
exposed to a lot of stress, and as a young teacher who is
about to spread my wings and start my first job as a teacher I began to wonder.
How hard could it be? What can happen when I will be on my own? But the main
question is was what can happen when it becomes too hard to bear. Therefore, the purpose of
this paper is to examine what are the repercussions of
burnout on a teachers' classroom work. I choose to research teachers
who are in the system for several years now because, as future teachers I
started thinking and become aware to the problem of teacher burnout; its causes and the consequences.
Just a little somthing for you to think about.. and now a penny for your thoughts..